April 10, 2020
COVID-19 Resources for Communicators

Just like you, we are actively monitoring the COVID-19 global pandemic. Our team has quickly acclimated to a new way of working while staying locked on addressing our clients’ most pressing needs. Here you will find a toolkit of resources that may prove useful as you grapple with the unprecedented challenges we’re all facing.
A New Research Method for a Changing World
Without the ability to bring a group of experts together and amid the chaos of the abrupt work-from-home transition, we needed a new approach to help corporate America reduce employee burnout, attract talent and build healthier organizations.
Adapting to Remote Work? Your Company’s Values May Be the Reason Why
COVID-19 and the subsequent stay-at-home orders brought confusion and frustration, but it also taught us that even as businesses evolve, corporate values should always ring true – both inside and outside the office.
How an Improvisational Mindset Helps You Communicate in a Crisis
If these latest crises have shown us anything it’s that there’s no one way to plan for everything. Instead, the sudden lockdown and the pressure organizations felt to respond to recent events underscore why today’s communicators need an improvisational mindset
The Problem with Client Alerts – and How to Fix Them
Most GCs don’t find client alerts useful. Making them better may be easier than you think.
Actionable Research During Times Of Uncertainty
In our latest video installment, we explore a few different nimble and flexible approaches to research that help professional services organizations demonstrate true subject matter authority and drive door opening conversations for client development during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
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For Authorities With Unique Expertise, It’s Time to Engage
Authorities are back. And not just the kind who order you to stay home and wash your hands a lot. I’m talking about true subject matter authorities – those experts who have the knowledge and experience to help us make sense of what’s happening.
Podcasting Strategies During Shelter In Place
Podcast listenership, at least for now, is another victim of the coronavirus pandemic. But a time will come when daily commutes are once again prime time for podcasts — and smart organizations can use the current moment to strengthen their audio storytelling efforts.
Reality of Work From Home Offers Opportunities in Research
Maintaining a willingness to explore creative approaches to research in a time of unprecedented constraints can empower your organization to emerge from this period in a position of strength.
Journalists Become Essential in a Crisis – But COVID-19 May Cost Them Their Jobs
While journalism has never been more important, the media business has rarely been so unstable, as publishers begin to feel the impact of an economy on lockdown.
WEBINAR: Resources for Nonprofits (& Others) Who Want to Tell Their COVID-19 Story
Amid this unprecedented crisis, reporters crave access and new stories to tell. Yet many think connecting with reporters is some mystical process that only people “in the know” can master.
The Eight Hats of Crisis Leadership
Through formal and informal conversations, we’ve discovered that a leader must play not one but several different roles in a leadership position, if they want to inspire lieutenants to do their best work.
Remember: This Is a Health and Human Crisis Above All
As we navigate one of the most fluid and uncertain health and economic crises of our lifetime, firm leaders face a multitude of issues around their most precious commodity: their talent. While every situation is different, so too are the considerations for reducing professional and staff-related costs and the process for communicating those decisions.
Want Your Voice to Stand Out in a Crisis? Be Still and Listen
If we can just be still for a few moments and listen to the people we’re trying to reach, we can find out what information they need and what would help them get through this. If we can provide that, they’ll have no trouble hearing us above the noise.
Smarter Conversations: Writing With Authority
In the age of information overload, connecting with an audience requires knowing exactly what they want – and how to give it to them.
What We’re Seeing: Insights on the COVID-19 Marketing Communications Landscape
How can PR/Marketing maintain demand for services NOW and drive demand for services LATER? Guided by these questions, what are the best paths forward to navigate the COVID-19 crisis?
Leading a Professional Services Organization Through Uncertainty
Professional services leaders are facing unique communications challenges and opportunities during this uncertain time.
Scenario Planning for Business Leaders Amid COVID-19
For business leaders and communications professionals working through the COVID-19 crisis, scenario planning has never been more important. But it’s also not all that difficult.
As our insights evolve along with the COVID-19 crisis, we’ve also gathered some relevant perspectives from our archives:
Why Data-Driven Content Strategy Matters to Professional Services
Given the pandemic information overload and uncertainty ahead, how do we find out what clients and key audiences are really looking for? Where do they need the most help right now?
Research Reports Are Valuable — If You Can Find Them
Research is more valuable and trusted than ever. “The sudden outbreak of COVID-19, a disease caused by a new coronavirus, is proving to the world every day the important role research plays in the response to global health emergencies.” — STAT
Beyond the Buzzword: How to Create Actual Thought Leadership
How do you get your authority position to stand out during times of rampant noise?
What the C-Suite Wants: Useful Content, Curated
What is the C-suite really looking to get out of their COVID-19 content? What do they need most from content right now?
How Credible Sources, Education and Innovation Can Curb Fake News
We believe that true authorities have a responsibility to participate skillfully in the ongoing conversation. With audiences heavily relying on outside information during these uncertain times, it’s imperative to communicate in an effort to combat disinformation.
We’re here to help and would welcome a chat to discuss what we’re learning as this extraordinary situation unfolds.